Tape Babies

Using a fragmented technique and seemingly fragile material, these small works may be seen as mirroring the apparent fragility of a baby and the fragmentation of its movements. Each piece forces us to closely examine a human being that is vulnerable yet solid, small but monumental, evolving before our eyes.

I start a drawing in ink and sometimes pencil, and then I begin to layer masking tape – cut in very small pieces – over it. It’s a back-and-forth process; the figure evolves. The varying shades, shape, thickness and opaqueness of the tape is essential, and unique in each work.

Working deliberately with tiny pieces of tape thoughtfully applied, each work becomes an obsessive love affair with its subject. At times during the process, I feel as I‘m methodically caressing the infant’s body, bit by tiny bit – using adhesive tape to enact the bond of a mother and child.


The Graphic Eye Gallery, Three-Person Show. Selected by C. Bell, curator, Guggenheim Museum of New York.







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The Graphic Eye Gallery, Three-Person Show. Selected by C. Bell, curator, Guggenheim Museum of New York.