“I Am Here: Vanishing” (or “Off Limits / I Thought I Was Here“) is a series of oil paintings developed following the Blue Series. All of a sudden, things are gone, and small centered figures appear and disappear.

I had arrived at a point where I could not see what was around me anymore. All that was left was me, stripped of everything, almost naked, trying to regain my center, to take back my world, to define myself again, an attempt to say: “Here I am, I exist, a woman, an artist, a person with no strings attached!”

But through my work I discovered this was impossible. All the special limits that surround me are hedging me in, keeping me in a spot from where I cannot budge. I am blocked within the walls of my home and the walls of my mind. I exist through a reflection in a mirror. And sometimes my image – my self – fades away like a dream, in a square of scribbles…


A minuscule single stick figure, lured into the unforgiving metropolis' web of false illusions, retreats into a blank canvas. 

A minuscule single stick figure, lured into the unforgiving metropolis' web of false illusions, retreats into a blank canvas.